April 1, 2009

Fifteen years

The best cat, ever.

Saying goodbye was the hardest thing, ever.

March 22, 2009



This project should get posted before it's too warm to be talking about it!

A while back, I won a Phydeaux Designs scarflette that was a featured giveaway on Handmade Showcase. I'd only entered my name in a few giveaways so I was excited to win something almost right off the bat, and I was even more thrilled when the scarflette arrived. All the items in the shop are gorgeous; I would love to make such wonderful knits.

Here's my attempt at a scarflette. I made it at the last minute for a friend's birthday since she had been admiring mine.


It turned out kind of big and floppy but she loves it and that's what matters.


I'm hoping to make more of these, but I think we all know how I feel about buttons.

January 20, 2009

Inauguration 2009

Busy work day

We all took a few minutes to watch during work. Couldn't resist!

January 10, 2009

First birthday

Right before the winter break, Sheyna brought the baby to work for a few hours on her birthday. I knew ahead of time, and made sure I had my camera to get a few pictures.

She's a fun baby...I think I've only seen her unhappy a few times (like when she had to try beets!).

January 4, 2009

The Corrugator

The Corrugator

This doesn't count as a project for 2009, but I wanted to share it anyway. It's a scarf I made for a friend's mom--she made me some cute dish towels for Halloween and I wanted to give something back.

The Corrugator pattern was really easy and fun. The scarf came out pretty thick and will be good for keeping warm, which means there's really no use for it around here.

As always, the knitting didn't take too long, but weaving in the ends caused the project to come to a hault for a week or so. That part always gets me.

January 1, 2009

Happy new year

I can't promise that I will blog more in 2009, but I'd really like to. I also want to stick to my plan from last year to make at least one crafty item each month. That lasted, what, two months? Let's see...I'll try taking a picture a day too, and I'll get back into creating my journal calendar pages because those are pretty fun.